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7 super foods to help keep your heart healthy
The statistics are earth-shattering. Heart disease accounts for one of every three deaths in the United States. Each day, 2,200 Americans die of cardiovascular disease — about one every 40 seconds. Celebrate Heart Month by observing the suggestions below so you’re not one of the three. Hopefully you'll make these superfoods part of your everyday eating plan. Start by filling your shopping cart with fresh fruits and veggies, fish, whole grains and healthy fats like Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Though many foods can help keep your heart healthy dietitians say these superstars definitely should be on your plate: » Berries...
More evidence the best medicine is what you choose for dinner
Does dieting support illusions related to weight loss?
Dieting supports an illusion that weight loss leads to happiness and health. Honestly, for most people, weight loss just tends to lead to more worry about weight re-gain It’s that time of year again - after the indulgences of the Christmas period when we’re all feeling a little more sluggish and heavier than we did at the beginning of December, we inevitably feel the desire to focus on our health. Gym memberships are bought, the fridge is stocked with greens, and detox juice cleanses are embarked upon. But this diet culture actually does us no favours. By going on a...
Health Benefits of Fish Oils
Essential Fatty Acids are nutritional cornerstones of human health. Two major families of fats are comprised under this designation, omegas 3 and 6. They are deemed "essential" because we need them for proper health—much like certain vitamins and minerals—but cannot produce them on our own. We must therefore consume these fats through diet or supplementation. Most people associate omega-3s with cardiovascular health, but their benefits go far beyond the heart. The two main omega-3s—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)—promote a healthy immune response that is behind the relief of many chronic conditions but that is too often inhibited by...